Blogging 201, Give ‘Em What They Want: Stats

Alright, so today’s WP Blogging 201 assignment is looking at your stats. I’m actually going to start my stats analysis at October 1st because for the two years I hadn’t posted anything.

My stats aren’t to shabby for 23 days, but I definitely think they can be better. Sometimes I feel like I’m spreading myself a little thin. Trying to get this blog and the face to face book club up and running, as well as the Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads pages. I think I’m going to have to develop a schedule and focus on medium a day instead of trying to divide my focus amongst them each day.

Anyway back to the I Read Banned & Challenged Books Club stats. What I’ve found is that the numbers are all over the place.


Comments are mediocre as far as I’m concerned, but that could be that the blog is only a few weeks old and that it’s such a niche or a combination. I know I need to engage my followers more, which I’m sure is the bigger problem. I do know that has an impact on the stats and comments. Engaging is my Achilles heel and a goal of mine to overcome.

Of course, I want to make sure you (visitors) fall into the Unique Visitors category or rather the dark blue because that means you’re stopping by and reading and hopefully enjoying the site, and it also means I need to convert those Views or folks perusing the site into visitors, which means I have a lot of work to do.

My best day is October 6 at 38 views and this is how that day breaks down.

October 6 stats

I went through each day of stats and looked at the Referrers and the Top Posts & Pages and was pleasantly pleased to see that on a few days Referrers came from the Meetup face-to-face book club. We just had our first discussion on the 18th, so I’m glad they’re checking in to see what’s going on.

Recent Stats

Recent Weeks Stats

As I was looking at my Recent Stats, I noticed that my views fell sharply. That’s really no surprise. I was sick all week and really didn’t have an interest in blogging let alone the computer, but as you can see on the 18th and 19th the numbers spiked again. I’m going to attribute some of that to the start of WPs Blogging 201, but I’ve been doing a little more with the blog this week too.

I’m open to suggestions, if you have any as to how to grow this online banned & challenged books club. Grow doesn’t have to be number wise either. It could simply be those that follow the blog participate more, converting Views to Unique Visitors, etc. No need to mention engage followers more an follow others. Right now I’m thinking about putting together an Engagement Schedule — so to speak.

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